ESA:Electricity Storage Association




英文缩写 ESA

英文全称 Electricity Storage Association

中文解释 电力储备协会

缩写分类 机构组织 电子电工

缩写简介 简介[英]: The Electricity Storage Association (ESA) is a trade association established to foster development and commercialization of energy storage technologies. Their mission is "to promote the development and commercialization of competitive and reliable energy storage delivery systems for use by electricity suppliers and their customers."

ESA 相关英文缩写

  • eSATA 扩展型串行ATA
  • ESA 误码秒类型A
  • ESA 认同代理协议
  • ESA 欧洲空间局
  • ESA 点火提前
  • ESAC 点火提前控制
  • ESA-GEOS 欧洲对地静止轨道卫星