IMS:Institute for Molecular Science




英文缩写 IMS

英文全称 Institute for Molecular Science

中文解释 分子科学研究所

缩写分类 化学化工 生物科学

缩写简介 The aim of Institute for Molecular Science is to investigate fundamental properties of molecules and molecular assemblies through both experimental and theoretical methods. Since its inception, IMS has made its facilities available to the wolrdwide scientific community, a policy which has fostered many joint programs involving IMS scientists.

IMS 相关英文缩写

  • IMSI 国际移动用户识别码
  • IMS 信息管理系统
  • IMSA 国际市政信号协会
  • IMS 交互式多媒体服务
  • IMS 因特网协议(IP)多媒体子系统