ACCS:Australian Contamination Control Society




英文缩写 ACCS

英文全称 Australian Contamination Control Society

中文解释 澳大利亚污染控制学会

缩写分类 机构组织 环境安全

缩写简介 The Australian Contamination Control Society (ACCS) is a non-profit, private, independent professional society founded in Sydney in 1992 and expanding to open in Victoria in 1993. The Society arose from the need to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to exchange knowledge and improve performance standards in the wide spectrum of technology-based industries where the control of biological and particulate contamination is critical to health or product integrity.

ACCS 相关英文缩写

  • ACCS 计算机软件著作权协会
  • ACCSQ 东南亚国协标准及品质咨询委员会
  • ACCSB 国际优秀商学院协会
  • ACCS 自动呼叫卡业务