BER:The Biochemical Engineering Research Group




英文缩写 BER

英文全称 The Biochemical Engineering Research Group

中文解释 生化工程研究

缩写分类 机构组织 生物科学

缩写简介 The Biochemical Engineering Research Group (BER) performs R&D in the disciplines of biochemical engineering for the Department of Energy (DOE) relevant applications of bioprocessing. The group also co-sponsors the ongoing Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, which is held annually in May. The Group is also a key element of the Bioprocessing Research and Development (BRDC) Center and is the host for the Bioprocessing Research User Facility (BRF).

BER 相关英文缩写

  • BER 基本编码规则
  • BER 位误差率
  • BERLU 增强型宽带远程线路单元
  • Berks 巴克西业州(美国的一个州)
  • BER 百慕大
  • BER 沸腾式实验反应堆
  • BERT 误比特率测试