FAN:Fluoride Action Network




英文缩写 FAN

英文全称 Fluoride Action Network

中文解释 氟化物行动网

缩写分类 环境安全 化学化工

缩写简介 The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is a project of the American Environmental Health Studies Project (AEHSP). FAN was launched in May of 2000 as an informal alliance of founding members who agreed to a critical series of objectives and goals. In May of 2004, FAN became an official project of AEHSP.

FAN 相关英文缩写

  • FANS 未来航行系统
  • FAN 接入网光纤
  • FANO 澳大利亚营养组织联盟
  • FANO 澳大利亚营养组织联盟
  • FANTA 食品与营养技术援助项目