NIHN:The National Institute of Health and Nutrition




英文缩写 NIHN

英文全称 The National Institute of Health and Nutrition

中文解释 (日本)国家健康与营养研究所

缩写分类 机构组织

缩写简介 The National Institute of Health and Nutrition was first founded in 1920 as the Nutrition Institute of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Since its establishment, approximately 80 years ago, it has been making numerous contributions to improving nutrition and dietary life style and advancing the knowledge of health and nutrition science for the public.

详细介绍 The National Institute of Health and Nutrition was first founded in 1920 as the Nutrition Institute of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Since its establishment, approximately 80 years ago, it has been making numerous contributions to improving nutrition and dietary life style and advancing the knowledge of health and nutrition science for the public.

As of April 1st, 2002, based on policy changes of the Government, NIHN has become \'an Independent Policy Corporation - the National Institute of Health and Nutrition\' to provide leadership for the public by conducting surveys and research on maintenance and promotion of health as well as nutrition diet , and lifestyle. As an Independent Policy Corporation, NIHN is expected to operate voluntarily and flexibly as well as to practice efficiency to meet the public\'s demands.

NIHN is fully committed to provide satisfactory services for the public and improve its operations based on assessment by the Government. NIHN\'s objective is to take full responsibility in scientific research in order to meet the public\'s expectations.

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