EESD:Energy,Environment and Sustainable Development




英文缩写 EESD

英文全称 Energy,Environment and Sustainable Development

中文解释 能源、环境与可持续发展

缩写分类 环境安全

缩写简介 “能源、环境与可持续发展”计划是欧共体(欧盟)第五次研究与技术部框架会议(1998-2002)的四个主题计划之一。该计划的战略目标是实现可持续发展,重视欧洲的社会福利和经济竞争力,尤其关注日益紧迫的环境和能源问题。EESD 的总预算为二十一亿两千五百万欧元。该计划的内容包括了永续管理、水质、全球变迁、气候与生物多样性、永续海洋生态系、明日城市发展与文化财产。

详细介绍 "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" is one of the four thematic programmes of the Fifth (EC) RTD Framework Programme (1998-2002).

While objectives relating to energy, environment and sustainable development are reflected in criteria for selection throughout the Framework Programme, the Specific Programme on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD) focuses directly on a number of pressing environmental and energy concerns. In a sustainable development perspective, we must address the quality and sustainability of our use of natural resources and ecosystems, threats of global change, quality of life in our cities, and the impact of the production and use of the energy which is essential to our economies and to our way of life, and also centrally important in environmental problems, notably climate change. Making use of the knowledge and technologies developed by this programme will make it possible to meet a wide range of social and economic needs so reconciling economic development with environmental sustainability. The results will support policies formulated at Community level or deriving from international commitments.

In addition to this programme, there is a separate Specific Programme on Nuclear Energy, based on the Euratom Treaty. Its objective is to help exploit the full potential of nuclear energy to contribute to energy and environmental objectives.

For implementation purposes, the EESD Specific Programme is divided into two sub-programmes, Environment and Sustainable Development, and Energy. Within Environment and Sustainable Development, the work is divided into Key Actions and generic research activities.

Implementation of RTD activities is through calls for proposals launched according to a well-established time schedule.

The budget of the programme is 2,125 million euro, 1,083m euro of which is for the Environment and Sustainable Development sub-programme and 1,042m euro for the Energy sub-programme (not including nuclear energy), for the period 1998-2002.

The ESD programme is actively contributing to the implementation of the European Research Area in the domain of sustainable development:


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